What are Galactic Ancestors ?
February 19 2020

February 19 2020
Essentially, galactic ancestors are the residual energetic imprints..(souls, ghosts, dreams etc) that show up in water, ice, wood, fire;.... most natural materials and art that is created out of the subconscious mind. The dream world. These figures show up as portraits, and generally that is what I focus on in this type of sculptural work. The interesting thing is, just as water has a memory, these imprints physically effect the body and mind in a positive way. Authentic art wakes people up from their sleep state... emotionally, creatively intellectually, etc... The art is a bridge between the world we think we live in, and the cosmic soup that teams with life. The world we visit at night in our dreams. Galactic Ancestors inhabit this subconscious World. These alternate dimensions that occasionally show up to bridge the gaps between our world and that of the truer self. The authentic self, as Jung referred to. The expressive, creative self of the higher dimensions..... the artistic self visited by and helped along on this journey of life by our Galactic Ancestors.
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